Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009 & Friday Rants & Links

Well 2009 is here and as I sit here I wonder where 2008 went. A lot happened; our first black President was elected; the Illinois Governor is a laughing stock across the country and gets crazier and crazier each day; the economic times in America and the world continues to become more and more unsettling; however, God is still in control.

Some quick goals for 2009 (thought this would keep me accountable)
1. Continue to work hard at Moody and get as many classes as I can done.
2. Lose 15 pounds. Yes, at 32 my metabolism has slowed down and I weigh more than I ever have. Working out and eating more fruits and vegetables are the early goals. Eating better food overall is the long term goal. I'd like to give updates on this.

Happy New Year, on to the rant & links...

People are really scared about Rick Warren's prayer for Obama and the name "Jesus"

Cardinal update: Aaron Miles went to the Cubs. We tried to get Fuentes and he went to the Angels. Right now the Cardinals are worst than last years more year of the 3 year grace period and I can complain all I want.

Just think this is a funny picture, wonder how I could get one.

Youtube clip: More from Back to the Future.

What happened to college football on New Years day? It used to be all day and tons of good games, now it consists of one good game (Go Penn State) and the rest of them scattered out through a week.

This on makes my brain hurt.

A great ending to an even better movies.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Good luck on the weight goal. That's aggressive. You can do it.