Sunday, April 5, 2009

Eschatology and Baseball

You may want to know what Eschatology and Baseball have in common...well if the Cubs ever won the World Series we would know the end is near....hahahaha!!

For real though I just finished my Doctrine on Eschatology (The End Times).

For the record:
I'm Premillianniumist: I believe that Israel and the Church are two separate entities and the Church has not taken over Israel. Christ will come to earth for a earthly ministry that will last 1000 years. I do take Biblical prophecy literally.

Amillionniumist believe that the Church has taken over for Israel and that Satan is bound right now (as I would say if Satan is bound he has a pretty long chain)...also they believe that the millennium is happening right now spiritually and that Christ will not serve a true 1000 years on earth. They also do not take Biblical prophecy literally. All this is not to say that they aren't believers, Eschatology is not a salvation aspect but it does tell us about their way of thinking about theology.

I am also a Pretribulation believer. The church will not see God's wrath (1 Thess. 5:9) during the tribulation, during the Tribulation the nation of Israel will be set-up for the Messiah again and as well set earth up for Christ millennium kingdom. Christ taking us up into the clouds can happen at any moment, we all need to be prepared. I struggled at times with Post or midtribulation and at one time thought about going Posttrib. But after studying the Scriptures and deciding that the Bible really focues on Premillennium I stand as a Pretribulationist.

Need more info from me on Scripture, let me know and I can e-mail you my Doctrinal Statement (it's about 15 pages long).

Here are my predictions for the year (I'm not a prophet so these aren't biblically based!) hahaha

National League
East champ: Mets
Central champ: Cardinal
West champ: Dodgers
Wild card: Cubs
NL Champion: Homer Pick: Cardinals: What will actually happen: Dodgers

MVP: Albert Pujols (will give him 4)
Cy Young: Chris Carpenter

American League
East champ: Yankees
Central champ: White Sox (last game of the year again to win it)
West: Angels
Wild card: Red Sox
Champion: Yankees

MVP: Mark Teixeira
Cy Young: Roy Halladay

Homer Pick: Cardinals over Yankees
What will happen Pick: Dodgers over Yankees

Many of you are thinking - the Cardinals? Every 2 to 3 years the Cardinals make an awesome run under LaRussa. This is the year again. The Cubs have more holes than people think and the Cardinals are stronger than many people think. Watch out!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Quick My Final Four

A quick blog on my Final Four teams:

North Carolina

Memphis vs. Villanova

2009 NCAA Champion
Memphis (how this happened I still don't know - I do the bracket in about 2 minutes and 30 sec).

My dark horse in the final four besides Memphis is Missouri, but I have them getting beat by Memphis.


I know it's only Spring Training but the Cardinals are looking good, especially in pitching. Carpenter is pitching great and so is Wainwright. It's still a couple of weeks out before I make my predictions but the Cards are looking like my favorite for the Central. Yes, I think they can beat the Cubs for the Division this year. Call me crazy or a homer but I think it could happen.


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cards in Camp!

Well Spring Training has started and I guess I'm actually looking forward to baseball again. If Chris Carpenter can stay healthy and pitch well the Cards can be contenders. With the Cubs being the Cubs (Bradley just went down) we could have a shot at the Division. Either way I'm ready for 162 games and living on the edge on each one. I'm not sure Anne is though.

I can't believe A-Rod did roids. That means that Pujols is the best player in the game now that is clean (fingers crossed). Here is a good article about him taking on that weight and giving it back to God.

School is crazy right now, taking 2 classes actually hasn't been that bad. I'm really enjoying my Systematic Theology II class. I just finished by paper on my doctrine of the Church (Ecclesiology). Life of Christ is the other class I'm taking.

Watch is last second shot in the NBA

Weight Loss
I've lost 18 pounds so far. 3 more to go and down to my "dating weight" when I first meet Anne.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's Been Awhile & Links

Well, it's been awhile. I'm super busy right now with school, 2 classes this semester; Systematic Theology II and Life of Christ. I'm in the middle of my "Doctrine of the Church" and I just wrote 2 sermons on "The Hypocritical Heart - Overcoming the Pharisee inside you" for Life of Christ. It's been fun; I'm also teaching a long lesson to the church on Marriage in the month of February.

Weight Update:
I've lost 10 pounds since starting my diet and workouts. 10 more to go! Thanks!

So I'm really torn for the Super Bowl. I love Kurt Warner and I love the Steelers. Whoever wins I will be happy. But a little part of me wants Warner to win. 1st, he will give all the glory to God and Christ. 2nd, I think that puts him in the Hall of Fame, no matter what anyone says. I will have a prediction next week.

Spring Training!
Less than a month away for Pitchers and Catchers to report. To be honest, I could care less. The Cardinals are going to be worse than last year, 3rd in the division. They didn't pick anyone up that matters. Everyone under the sun knew going into the offseason they needed a closer and a starting pitcher, they have yet to whiff at anyone. Oh well.

Well it's finally over, Barack Obama is President. I'm glad the country is moving forward.
Barack Obama needs our prayer for strength to maintain the convictions he holds which are in keeping with God’s will for our nation, wisdom to realize where his beliefs are not according to God’s plan and then the courage to change.

Romans 13:1, Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.

Enough about me, on to the links!

Now this is funny, we've been watching 90210 season 5 and Ray is in full effect. The thing is Chicago Heights was on before he appeared on 90210. Ray's about to throw Donna down the stairs soon.

If you're a guy and you don't cry at this, then you have no heart!

If you haven't seen the new "Star Trek" movie then here it is. It looks awesome!

In case you missed it! Obama Inauguration: Rick Warren Prayer!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009 & Friday Rants & Links

Well 2009 is here and as I sit here I wonder where 2008 went. A lot happened; our first black President was elected; the Illinois Governor is a laughing stock across the country and gets crazier and crazier each day; the economic times in America and the world continues to become more and more unsettling; however, God is still in control.

Some quick goals for 2009 (thought this would keep me accountable)
1. Continue to work hard at Moody and get as many classes as I can done.
2. Lose 15 pounds. Yes, at 32 my metabolism has slowed down and I weigh more than I ever have. Working out and eating more fruits and vegetables are the early goals. Eating better food overall is the long term goal. I'd like to give updates on this.

Happy New Year, on to the rant & links...

People are really scared about Rick Warren's prayer for Obama and the name "Jesus"

Cardinal update: Aaron Miles went to the Cubs. We tried to get Fuentes and he went to the Angels. Right now the Cardinals are worst than last years more year of the 3 year grace period and I can complain all I want.

Just think this is a funny picture, wonder how I could get one.

Youtube clip: More from Back to the Future.

What happened to college football on New Years day? It used to be all day and tons of good games, now it consists of one good game (Go Penn State) and the rest of them scattered out through a week.

This on makes my brain hurt.

A great ending to an even better movies.